Montag, 6. Mai 2013

Why it is so wonderful to work with Scentsy!

May 6, 2013

Why it is so wonderful to work with Scentsy!

i want to take the time and talk to you about why it is a wonderful thing to work with Scentsy. As you all know I am a mo of 2 little kids and like it happens sometimes my son happen to be sick all last week. The great thing with Scentsy is that I was able to continue to work on my business even with a sick child. I did not have to request unpaid vacation from my boss and tell them why, because I am my own boss. I was able to be there for my son and take him to all his Dr. appointment and that gave me the chance to get out of the house and talk to people about Scentsy. Who can say "I can take my work with me no matter where I go?" It is such a wonderful thing.
I told my husband back then when we have kids I would like to stay at home and not return to work until the kids are  years of age. I don't miss all their childhood and I wanna be there for when they start walking, talking and potty training. I know in the US it is the norm hat some women return to work after 6 weeks becuase they just have to. See I didn't want that. But now I can say I have been working ever since my daughter was born and I am still home. I am my own boss and I get to decide when and how often I want to work.So even when we go on vacation I can take my work with me. It doesn't matter what is going on in your life Scentsy is there and you can chose what you want to do. You can start Scentsy as a part time job or even full time. It is all up to you!!!

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