Now imagine the following scenario:
You applied for a job and got called in for a job interview. You are very excited already and when your boss asks you what your compensation should be you tell him the following:
1. I want to get 25% commission of all the sales I am doing and if I am really good I want an
additional 5%.
2. I want all the things I buy 20-30% cheaper of the retail price!
3. I want to hire all my friends and family
4. I would also like to train them myself and get commission of their sales!
5. You should give me the opportunity to hire within the USA and parts of Europe.
6. If I reach all goals I would like to be rewarded with a trip like to Mexico.
7. You should give me the chance to move up within the company immediately and not like after
months and years
Oh and one more thing....I would like to come and go as I want. I have a family and I like to be there for them at all times.
What would the employer sat about that?????
Probably something like: "This sound all fun and games. Whenever you FIND this job call me and I QUIT right away."
Well THIS job exists already and it is called being a Independent Scentsy Consultant!
These are just a few examples what Scentsy is offering you. If you would like to know more about the amazing opportunity please feel free to email me and I get back to you at my earliest convenience.