Montag, 29. April 2013

Radio Interview with me and Marie Smith.

April 29, 2013

Radio Interview with me and Marie Smith.

A couple weeks ago I did a radio Interview with Marie Smith (Independent Scentsy Director) about having a business and being a mom. It was so much fun but the interview was in German. You are probably thinking well now what? Well here is the translation of the interview. Enjoy it:

Marie: Debbie please tell everybody a little about yourself?
Me: My Name is Debbie and I am 30 years old. I was born and raised in Germany. At the age of 22 I decided I had my share with Germany and Europe and would like to explore the United States. So then in August 2005 I packed my suitcase and moved to Phoenix, AZ and stayed there for 1 year. Then I moved to Washington where I met my husband, who serves in the US Army. We were stationed there for 5 years and now we are in El Paso, TX. 

Marie: How did you hear about Scentsy and why did you decide to join?
Me: The first time I head fro Scnetsy was back in 2010 when a neighbor set up a open house. From that moment on I was a huge fan and I bought 1 Warmer, 3 bars and roomspray. But right after it all the moving around started.
We moved to El Paso and my husband got word that he was deploying and so I decided I would go back to Germany while he is gone,because I was also pregnant. So here I was in Germany and my nose was so sensitve from being pregnant that I thought of Scentsy right away. I should also add that I have 2 dogs (Siberian Husky and a Doberman/lab mix). So I looked it up on the internet and was thrilled that Scentsy is available in Germany. So I knew right then and there that I wanted to become a Independent Scentsy Consultant and I never regret this step.

Marie: Debbie you are a mom of 2. You have one boy and one little girl. How do you have time for Scentsy?
Me: Scentsy is such a wonderful company, because I can chose when and how much I want to work. This was really important to me because I do not want my 1 year old in day care and I want to be home when my son gets out of school. Scentsy products are also wonderful for kids. We have almost every single Buddy and the new Safari colletion is jst amazing. They take them everywhere we go.
My little girl is my Scentsy helper, she has to smell every single scent there is. My whole family loves Scentsy and so it is easy to involve them in my business. It does not take time away Scentsy is part of our family :).

Marie: Debbie you became Lead consultant in Febuary 2013. You took a longer break before that due to private reasons. Was it hard to start back up again?
Me: No it was not. I actually started right back up before my break. Scentsy does not tell us when and how much we need to work. It is all our decision. I had to take a break due to giving birth and my move back to the United States. I needed my break to be there for my family and my husband coming home from deployment. With everything under control I started my business back up and I am still here.

Marie: What do you find so interesting about Scentsy?
Me: I think it is very interesting that Scentsy has something for everybody. They have something for the whole family starting with the kids, Scentsy Buddy's and all these different warmers and scents to Layers (Bodylotion, Handcreams, ...). My number one reason for Scentsy was that I do not have to deal with any open flames. I do have 2 kids and 2 dogs this was very important to me.

Marie: Debbie your husband serves in the US Army and he is gone a lot. Would you recommend Scentsy as a business opportunity to somebody who has kids and is often alone with the kids and household?  And how do you manage all this?
Me: I think Scentsy is the best opportunity to start a business. Now lets all be honest here for a second: It is wonderful to be a mom but with that we don't want to lose who we are in the process?
I wanted more. I wanted to stay true to myself and so something for myself but also I did not wanted to neglect my family. Due to my husband being in the US Army we do move quite a bit around so Scentsy is a great opportunity. Why? Because I can take my business with me everywhere we go.
How do I manage everything? It's easy I link everything together. for example my son goes to school and he plays soccer. Here we go 2 places I can build a relationship with people to grow my business.

Marie: Does your husband support you when he is home? Did he like Scentsy from the beginning?
Me: My husband supports me 100%. I can't really say he liked it from the beginning, because he wasn't here for it lol. but when he returned he loved Scentsy and the opportunity it is giving our family. He is my number one customer hahaha. he has almost as many bars as I have and he uses the Travel Tins in his gym bag and the scent circle int he car. With his support it makes it so much more fun.

Marie: If you had one advise for somebody who is thinking about becoming a consultant what would you tell this person?
Me: I would say to them: DO IT and you WONT REGRET it. Scentsy is a wonderful comapny and better than working a 9-5 job and miss out on life! You will have fun and who doesn't have fun?

Marie: What quote do you live by that you would like to share with our listeners?
Me: Change your thoughts and you will change your life!

Marie: Thank you all for listening and thank you Debbie for such a wonderful interview.

Radio Interview mit mir und Marie Smith.

April 29, 2013

Radio Interview mit mir und Marie Smith. 

Hier koennt Ihr euch mein Raio Interview anhoeren das den Titel hat

Interview mit Debbie C. - Mutter und Beraterin. Geht das?

In diesem Interview geht es darum das man trotz Kinder und Familie sich was eigenes aufbauen kann und sehr viel Spass dabei hat.

Hoert es euch selber an :

Montag, 15. April 2013

How everything started with Scentsy?

April 15, 2013

How everything started with Scentsy?

I  would like to tell you how everything started and why I became a consultant.
The First time that I heard about Scentsy was in 2010 when a neighbor set up a open house. I loved right then and there. I bought a warmer, 3 bars and 1 roomspray. I was just sad that she did not approached me to become a Scentsy consultant myself. So with that said I did not ask any further and left it at that.
We got stationed to El Paso TX in 2011 and 2 weeks after my husband go told that he will deploy to Afghanistan. So we decided that it would be best for me, my son and 2 dogs to go back to Germany until he gets back. So thats what I did, I was also pregnant with my daughter and so it was best because I didn't know anybody here.
so here I was in good old Germany and as you might know being pregnant will enhance your sense of smelling things. The rainy weather in Germany didn't help because I couldn't stand the smell of wet dogs. So right then and there Scentsy popped up in my head again. I began to research and was delighted that Scentsy made his way to Europe. I didn't even thought twice and decided to become a Consultant myself. 
So I signed up in November 2011 and I have never regret my decision. I moved back to El Paso in June  2012 and Scentsy just switched me over to region 1. It was really easy and fast and i was able to continue without a setback. 
I love scentsy so much because I can include my family with it. There is nothing more important in the world than my family and so what better than to make $$ and be there for my family 100%?

Wie bin ich zu Scentsy gekommen?

April 15, 2013

Wie bin ich zu Scentsy gekommen?

Ich moechte Euch gerne davon erzaehlen warum ich Scentsy angefangen habe und wie es dazu kam.
Von Scentsy habe ich das erste mal gehoert im Jahr 2010 von einer Nachbarin und war von Anfang an begeistert. Ich habe gleich ein Warmer, 3 bars und ein Raumspray gekauft. Ich war nur enttaeuscht das sie mir damals nicht erzaehlt hatte wie ich selber eine Beraterin werden kann und welche Vorteile dies mit sich bringt.
Nachdem wir nach El Paso, Texas versetzt wurden musste mein Mann kurz danach in den Afghanistan. Ich habe dann beschlossen mit meinem Sohn und 2 Hunden in dieser Zeit zurueck nach Deutschland zu gehen. Ich muss dazu sagen ich war schwanger in dieser Zeit und mir war das alles in der USA nicht so recht, da ich niemanden hier kannte. So bin ich 2012 wieder nach Deutschland. Viele kennen dies bestimmt: Wenn man Schwanger ist sind die Geruchssinne viel staerker als sonst. Mit den nassen Hunden in der Wohnung war dies so extrem fuer mich das Scentsy sofort wieder in den Kopf geschossen kam. Ich habe mich dann schlau gemacht und war begeistert das esvScentsy endlich auch in Europa gibt. So da war ich nun und habe mich fest entschlossen selber Beraterin zu werden.
Ich bin somit November 2011 Selbststaendige Beraterin geworden und habe diesen Schritt noch nie bereut. Als ich wieder zureuck in die USA bin hat Scentsy mich einfach auf Region 1 umgestellt und somit konnte ich in der USA einfach weitermachen.
Ich bin nun Mama von 2 Kindern und die lieben Scentsy auch ueber alles!!!
Es ist was wunderbares das ich meine ganze Familie in mein Scentsyleben mit einbeziehen kann. Es gibt fuer mich nichts schoeneres. Geld verdienen und 100% fuer die Familie da zu sein!